Strangest Planets in the Universe [December , 2023 ] : Genius Celebs

May 2024 · 8 minute read

Strangest Planets in the Universe!!!

The universe is so large that it will always remain unexplored and unknown. However, science is progressing and unveiling so much of the strangeness that the universe holds.

If you think all the planets are similar and follow the same laws propounded in physics, then think twice. These exoplanets will blow all your thoughts through their strange veil.

How bizarre do you think the universe is from your imagination? And, which do you think are the strangest planets in the universe?

If you are interested in strange exoplanets, you’ve come to the right place. Here is the list of the top 10 strangest planets in the universe.

Some of the exoplanets listed below are so unusual that they should never exist theoretically, but anything is possible in this strange universe.

Quick view

S.NName of the Planets
10.Kepler- 438b
9.HD 1888753AB
8.WASP- 17b
6.Gliese 518c
4.Gliese 1214 b
3.55 Cancri e
2.HD 189733 b
1.Gliese 436 b

Strangest Planets in the Universe

This list of the strangest planets in the universe is based on sites including Space and Beyond Box, and Curiosity Guide.

10. Kepler- 438b

Here’s a planet similar to earth both in size and composition, along with earth-like rocky mountains.

It might come as a shock to you, but the planet holds an ideal condition for life, and who knows, there might be aliens lurking around the planet.

The strange planet was discovered on January 6, 2015, and is 472.9 light-years away from Earth. It orbits around a red dwarf, Kepler-438, in the constellation Lyra.

Earth Similarity Index (ESI) is the standard measure ranging between 0-1, which measures how similar the other planet is to the Earth.

And, Kepler-438b exhibits a similarity score of 0.88, which shows it as the most similar exoplanet to Earth to date.

What makes this exoplanet most interesting is that it lies in the Goldilocks Zone, which is considered the ideal zone to hold life.

Since the planet is not too far and not too near to its host star, it makes life possible.

Moreover, as the planet lies in the Goldilocks Zone, the water there is supposedly found in liquid form.

 9. HD 1888753AB

Next on our list of the strangest planets is HD 1888753AB. You better call it a fictitious planet cause it appears so.

Well, the planet stands beyond the wildest imagination as it is a planet with 3 parent stars.

Known by its catalog name HD 1888753AB, it lies within the 3-star system of HD 188753, where the three stars cross their paths with each other.

Wouldn’t it be miraculous plus strange to experience triple shadows and a constant eclipse? Furthermore, one can experience beautiful sunrises and sunsets of three different stars on this planet.

Don’t get fascinated by the stunning sunsets and sunrise as the planet is 149 light-years away from the earth and doesn’t support life.

8. WASP- 17b

WASP- 17b stands as the strangest planet defying the theoretical concept of physics. In fact, the size of the planet is so large that it shouldn’t even exist.

It lies in the Scorpius constellation and is 978.5 light-years away from our planet Earth.

What makes it strange and peculiar is its gigantic size. Interestingly, it is 1.9 times the size of the largest planet of our solar system Jupiter.

So how can a planet such gigantic in size ever exist?

The planet has an extremely low density for its size, and that is the single reason for the existence of this planet.

Moreover, it is classified under a class called puffy planets, which are planets with extremely low density for their size.

Another interesting fact about the planet is that it has a retrograde orbit, meaning it rotates in the opposite direction to its host star.

 7. TrES-2b

Next on our list of the strangest planets is TrES- 2b, a planet that engulfs almost all the lights it gets.

It is the darkest planet in the universe ever known, located about 750 light-years away from the Earth.

This bizarre planet reflects less than 1% of the light that falls to its surface. The planet is full of light-absorbent gases, making it possible to absorb those large amounts of light.

Furthermore, the planet glows emulsion red color due to extreme heat trapped to its surface.

6. Gliese 518c

Here’s another exoplanet that is most likely to support alien life. However, this is not the only fact that makes this planet so special and peculiar.

In 2007, the planet was discovered in its star’s habitable zone, which means it had the temperature to hold water in liquid form.

Moreover, the planet is tidally locked, meaning it doesn’t rotate around its axis. Therefore, the planet always faces one side; one side always faces its host star and another opposite to its host star.

It causes extremely high temperature on one side while freezing cold temperature on the other side. Studies have indicated only its terminator zone could hold life if there’s any.

However, recent studies have projected doubt regarding its habitability stating the planet features a Venus-like character.

 5. HAT-P-7b

This exoplanet is strange and terrifying as its surface is scary as hell. The planet is located in the constellation Cygnus and is placed about 1,000 light-years away from our planet Earth.

As the planet orbits very close to its host star, its temperature in the day is extremely high, whereas, at night, the planet rains rubies & sapphires.

The planet’s surface is full of aluminum oxide (corundum), and its high precipitation leads to the formation of gems like rubies & sapphires, which are scattered during its stormy night.

Moreover, it is also one of the darkest planets in the universe, absorbing more than 97% of the visible light that hits its surface.

Ellipsoidal light variations were detected for HAT-P-7b in 2010.

4. Gliese 1214 b

Next to our list of the strangest planets is the planet known as the ‘Waterworld’ for its endless water.

Gliese 1214 b is a giant planet with a giant continuous ocean. The planet has not even a tiny portion of land; there is water and nothing much wherever you go.

The peculiarity of the planet was found in the study by the Hubble Space Telescope in the year 2012.

More interestingly, the planet’s core, too, is water but in solid ice form.

The ice is exceptional as it is not ordinary, but water transformed to ice because of immense pressure from the surface water.

The extreme pressure converts the water in its core to solid ice. Scientists have named the ice Ice VII.

This strange planet is three times the diameter of the earth and seven times the mass of the earth.

3. 55 Cancri e

Would there be the value of a diamond if you lived on a planet whose 1/3rd part was composed of a diamond?

It is obvious that diamond would be as readily available as it were a leaf growing in a tree. Sadly, we can’t fetch the diamond present in this strange planet known by its catalog name 55 Cancri e.

Yeah, you read it right; this diamond planet is 40 light-years away from our planet Earth. 55 Cancri e is twice the size of the earth and is full of carbon.

Moreover, 55 Cancri e is so dense that all the carbon present in it is found in solid diamond form, making it a diamond planet.

2. HD 189733 b

The next planet on our list of the strangest planets is both strange and scary.

Have you ever thought of a planet that constantly rains glass? Scary enough, right?

HD 189733 b is a planet full of silicon particles. Due to the extremely high temperature of the planet, these silicon particle condenses to form glass.

And consequently, the planet’s surface becomes full of glass as if the planet is raining solid glass.

In addition, these solid glass flies at high speed of 40,000 mph, making it one of the deadliest planets.

Furthermore, HD 189733 b gets its beautiful color from its silicon particles.

1. Gliese 436 b

What could be more strange than a planet with a burning icy surface?

You read that right; the planet positions itself as one of the strangest planets in the universe, defying the laws of physics and chemistry.

In all cases, ice melts at a temperature above its melting point, but how could the ice of Gliese 436 b not melt at a temperature of about 439 degrees celsius?

The gigantic ball of ice has immense gravity, which pulls all the water towards its core.

This phenomenon compresses water within the planet, and therefore, the planet holds a tight grip on all its water and doesn’t lose any through evaporation.

R. Paul Butler and Geoffrey Marcy discovered this strange exoplanet in August 2004.


The universe is full of unexplored and undiscovered phenomena and particles. No one knows if there exists a planet stranger than those discovered hitherto.

Science is working at its unstoppable pace but will we be able to discover something that stands completely different from what we know and understands any time soon?

All of the planets listed above have their own peculiarity and strangeness that opens the veil of unknown and bizarreness that our universe holds.

Their strangeness and unusual existence compel us to think if they are merely science fiction.

These strangest planets hold a surface where it rains solid glass, iron, and sapphires to a phenomenon that defies laws of physics.

And, from a bizarre setup that supports Waterworld and triple shadows to a land full of diamonds, these planets are both unusual and terrifying.

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