He Stole It and Butchered It: Steve Harvey Dubbed a Thief After Mark Curry Posts Proof o

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Mark Curry didn’t come to play.

Weeks ago, the comedian addressed a years-long beef with fellow comic Steve Harvey, whom he accused of jacking his jokes. The former “Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper” star claims Harvey, 62, has been co-opting his comedic material for years and using them on multiple platforms.

Now he has the receipts to prove it.

“When he was on that bullsh–t talk show he had, he did all my Halloween material one Halloween,” Curry said during a recent appearance on “The Mike & Donny Show,” referring to Harvey’s now-defunct NBC daytime show “Steve.”

“Somebody called me and said, ‘Homeboy doing your material,’” he added. “He did my whole Halloween run, and I know he didn’t think of it. This was true stuff that really happened to me.”

Harvey has denied stealing jokes a day in his life, and said Curry “needs to grow up.” However, an old video posted by Curry on Friday seems to have caught the “King of Comedy” in a big fat lie.

The clip, posted on Instagram Live, shows Harvey performing material that’s surprisingly similar to a stand-up done by Curry in 1999. In it, Curry pokes fun at homemade Halloween costumes he was forced to wear as a child — a suit of brown boxes from the liquor store.

“We didn’t know what we were,” he joked. “I think we’re UPS, I guess, I don’t know.”

In 2015, Harvey cracked a similar joke on his daytime talk show where he claimed his father forced him to wear the same brown box every year and tell everyone “I was the UPS man.”

The parallels were clear, and critics were quick to label Harvey a thief.

“Tht nigga is a coon f-ck, Steve Harvey,” one user commented.

“Yeah he took ur sh-t,” another chimed in, “he stole it and butchered it …”

One critic argued that Harvey “ain’t never been naturally funny” and “needs other comics to keep him going.”

“Steve’s wrong for that,” someone else commented. “Can’t call yourself one of the kings of comedy if you’re stealing material. That’s your lively hood man.”

Watch more in the video below.

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