What is a quality start in baseball? Exploring the statistics that helps break down a pitchers ef

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Baseball has reached unprecedented levels of competitiveness, with an impressive number of pitchers consistently hitting the upper 90s in the league.

Notably, Minnesota Twins’ Jhoan Duran is a standout relief pitcher, consistently averaging an impressive 100 mph out of the bullpen.

Similarly, Brusdar Graterol from the Los Angeles Dodgers possesses an incredible talent, unleashing a blazing sinker that comes close to the 100 mph mark.

The abundance of pitchers throwing triple digits demonstrates the evolution of the sport, surpassing any previous era.

This new era of baseball showcases the extraordinary power and skill of these players, captivating fans worldwide.

The intensity and excitement of the game have grown exponentially, making each matchup a thrilling experience for both players and spectators.

With such remarkable talent on display, the future of baseball appears boundless, promising even more impressive feats to come.

Jhoan Duran really hit 105 mph on two straight pitches 🔥


— Talkin’ Baseball (@TalkinBaseball_) June 3, 2023

Being a major league hitter comes with its challenges, but these athletes continue to achieve remarkable success.

Batting averages have seen a significant surge, particularly among left-handed hitters, which can be attributed to the implementation of the new shift rules.

However, the primary key to their triumph remains their ability to make consistent contact at the plate, a skill they have undoubtedly excelled at this season.

Despite the defensive strategies implemented against them, these hitters showcase remarkable adaptability and determination, enabling them to deliver impressive performances.

The evolution of the sport has presented them with new obstacles, but their unwavering dedication and talent have made them masters at connecting with the ball.


In conclusion, being a major league hitter demands proficiency and resilience, and the current season stands as a testament to their exceptional capabilities in facing challenges head-on and excelling in their craft.


Q1: What is a quality stat in baseball?

A1: A quality stat in baseball refers to a pitching performance where a starting pitcher throws at least six innings and allows three or fewer earned runs.

Q2: Who created the quality start statistic?

A2: The quality stat statistic was popularized by baseball writer John Lowe in 1985 and later officially adopted by Major League Baseball.

Q3: Why is a quality start important?

A3: A quality start is important because it indicates a solid performance by a starting pitcher, giving their team a chance to compete effectively and potentially win the game.

Q4: How is a quality stat calculated?

A4: To achieve a quality stat, a starting pitcher must complete at least six innings and allow three or fewer earned runs.

Q5: Does a quality stat guarantee a win for the pitcher’s team?

A5: No, a quality start does not guarantee a win, as it only measures the pitcher’s performance and not the overall outcome of the game.

Q6: What are the limitations of the quality stat statistic?

A6: The quality start statistic does not consider unearned runs, bullpen performance, or the run support provided by the pitcher’s team.

Q7: How does the number of quality stats affect a team’s success?

A7: Teams with a higher number of quality starts tend to have better records and perform well in the standings.

Q8: Can a relief pitcher earn a quality stat?

A8: No, a relief pitcher cannot earn a quality stat, as it is a stat specifically designated for starting pitchers who meet the criteria during their starting appearance.

Q9: Are there any records related to consecutive quality starts?

A9: Yes, some pitchers hold records for consecutive quality starts, demonstrating their consistency and effectiveness on the mound.

Q10: Is the concept of quality stats still relevant in modern baseball?

A10: While the concept of quality starts remains relevant, there has been some debate due to changes in the game, bullpen specialization, and the use of other pitching metrics for evaluation.
