What's really behind Narendra Modi's new beard

May 2024 · 3 minute read

From trimmed designer stubble to raging guru beard, Narendra Modi appears to have reinvented himself, with commentators suggesting India's prime minister is trying to cultivate his character of sage ruler in a time of major crisis.

Analysts suggest the image overhaul may go some way to counter the catastrophic fallout of India’s Covid-19 epidemic, amid accusations levelled at the government of gross mismanagement and a failure to scale up healthcare.

Covid-19 has claimed the lives of an estimated 2.4million Indians and pushed 230 million people into poverty. But, India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, enjoys an approval rating of 64 per cent - much higher than other global leaders.

Mr Modi’s startling political journey rivals the plot of any Bollywood epic. From Maharashtra to Meghalaya, Mr Modi rose from a humble tea seller to become prime minister of the world’s largest democracy.

He has turned head for his fiery Hindu nationalism in recent years. But a new cowed, deferential Mr Modi has appeared in recent months - wearing simple, white robes and growing out a long beard to give the appearance of a divine spiritual leader, comforting citizens.

Modi, right, greeting members of various political parties on June 24

“It is a conscious effort of projecting himself as this sage-like figure, he doesn’t want to look like an average politician, he wants to look more like a “God-man”, said Rajdeep Sardesai, author of 2019: How Modi Won India.

“He pitches himself above it, in his appearance - the white flowing beard - and the way he addresses people, which has been much softer in recent times. Therefore, the criticism of his handling of Covid doesn’t stick to him because he has acquired this sage-like image with a cult-like following.”

"Mr Modi is politically very sharp. We’ve seen the BJP and RSS [a right-wing Hindu nationalist organization] leadership in action for the past few weeks to counter the fallout from their handling of Covid-19,” said Rahul Verma, a fellow at the Centre for Policy Research.

“The prime minister was silent for a month during the peak of the crisis, and has now slowly started speaking on the subject, showing his emotional side and making efforts to shift the narrative.”

India’s fragmented opposition parties are currently in disarray so Mr Modi and the BJP have also benefited from the lack of a coherent political force to hold them accountable.

“Their strategy is to convince people that Covid-19 has been a force of nature that struck, no one could have done anything about it and if someone else was in charge it would have been worse,” said Mr Verma.

Mr Modi's popularity remains strong, but not everyone is convinced by the new look. One local from Kerala state, Vinod Varghese, told the Telegraph: “India is seeing progress only on Modi’s beard while on all growth indicators, we are lagging behind. Instead of his looks, had Modi focused on how to deal with the Covid pandemic, we would not have witnessed this devastation."
