The Challenge spoilers: Ride or Dies Episode 15 trailer reveals next elimination and daily challenge

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The Challenge: Ride or Dies brought an interesting midseason twist with partners split apart as they went onto two larger teams, drafted by Faysal Shafaat and Moriah Jadea.

That led to individual men’s and women’s eliminations, with Ride or Dies players getting eliminated from the game.

However, another twist arrived when host TJ Lavin met with each eliminated player, letting them know they still might compete in the final. They’d need their partner to remain in the game to have a chance.

With Ride or Dies Episode 14, TJ finally revealed this twist to the cast after he told everyone to reunite with their partners. That left three individuals without teammates: Fessy, Aneesa Ferreira, and Kaycee Clark.

TJ then brought their partners back into The Zone and announced two eliminations would take place involving these teams. The first featured all three teams, with the winning team returning to the game.

A teaser trailer has revealed spoilers for a second elimination that will occur at the start of Episode 15, along with the next daily challenge for Ride or Dies players.

The Challenge: Ride or Dies Episode 15 teaser trailer

In Ride or Dies Episode 14, Moriah, Jordan Wiseley, and Kenny Clark returned to The Zone, surprising Fessy, Aneesa, and Kaycee, who thought they might be leaving the game.

From there, TJ had them compete in a three-team elimination event, where they had to push a large cylinder up a ramp and hold it past a line for a minute. The team to get it done was Fessy and Moriah, so as the winners, they rejoined the rest of the cast.

A third elimination is on the way for Episode 14, and a trailer for the next installment of MTV’s The Challenge revealed what event it would be.

Based on the preview, it looks like Aneesa and Jordan will go against Kaycee and Kenny in the Knot So Fast game featured in recent All Stars and USA spinoff seasons.

It involves teams working a long heavy rope through a structure, tying and tangling it up. After a certain amount of time, TJ blows the horn, and the teams switch places, trying to untangle the mess the other team created.

The first team to get all the rope untangled and placed in another spot typically wins. With this one, the winners will get back into the game with a chance to make it to TJ’s final while the losing team is officially out.

The trailer also reveals the upcoming daily challenge, with TJ taking delight in what’s coming for the competitors. It’s not trivia, but it looks like an insane daily event featuring swerving vehicles, colored balls, and explosions.

“This is gonna be awesome for me because I get to watch you have the hardest times of your lives,” he tells the cast.

The event features a bus swerving on the road and explosions going off. Ride or Dies partners are inside the bus, which is also filled with colored balls of different sizes. A quick scene reveals Amber Borzotra bumping her head against the side of the bus while participating in the event with Chauncey Palmer.

Most likely, whichever team loses this event is headed straight to The Zone for an elimination matchup.

Who’s left for the Ride or Dies competitors?

As TJ’s final gets even closer, only a select group of Ride or Dies teams who could compete for that million-dollar prize remain.

Fessy and Moriah won their way back into the game at the end of Episode 14. They joined castmates Johnny Bananas with Nany Gonzalez, Amber with Chauncey, Devin Walker with Tori Deal, and Olivia Kaiser with Horacio Gutierrez.

As mentioned, Aneesa and Jordan will take on Kenny and Kaycee in Episode 15’s opening elimination to get back in the game. One of these teams is returning, while the other is going home at the start of Episode 15.

Once that elimination is settled, it leaves six teams in the game for The Challenge: Ride or Dies. That could mean TJ’s final will arrive as early as Episode 16.

Typically there are as many as 10 competitors in recent finals for The Challenge, All Stars, and USA, so that could be similar for Ride or Dies. It’s going to get super competitive from here, as players are so close to the million dollars they can taste it.

The Challenge: Ride or Dies airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on MTV.
