Is Julia Haart Anorexic? The Truth Behind the Netflix Stars Weight Loss

May 2024 · 7 minute read

Julia Haart, the CEO of Elite World Group and the star of the Netflix reality show “My Unorthodox Life”, has been the subject of much speculation and controversy regarding her weight and eating habits. Many viewers and fans have wondered if Julia Haart is anorexic, or if she suffers from any other eating disorder, due to her thin appearance and dramatic weight loss. In this article, we will examine the facts and rumors surrounding Julia Haart’s diet, health, and lifestyle, and reveal the truth behind the Netflix star’s weight loss.

Julia Haart’s Background and Transformation

Julia Haart was born as Julia Leibov in Moscow, Russia, in 1971, according to GQ. She grew up in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Monsey, New York, where she followed strict religious rules and had a limited education and exposure to the outside world. She married Yosef Hendler, a rabbi, when she was 19 years old, and had four children with him: Batsheva, Shlomo, Miriam, and Aron. She lived a sheltered and unhappy life, feeling oppressed and unfulfilled by her role as a wife and mother.

In 2012, Julia Haart decided to leave her community and her marriage, and pursue her dreams of becoming a fashion designer and entrepreneur. She moved to Manhattan with her children, and started her own shoe line, which caught the attention of La Perla, a luxury lingerie brand. She became the creative director of La Perla in 2016, and later the co-owner and CEO of Elite World Group, a global talent and media company, in 2019. She also remarried to Silvio Scaglia, a billionaire businessman, and changed her name to Julia Haart.

Julia Haart’s transformation was not only professional, but also physical. She underwent a drastic weight loss, losing 73 pounds in a span of a few years. She also changed her appearance, dressing in more fashionable and revealing outfits, and undergoing cosmetic procedures, such as breast augmentation and botox injections. She documented her journey and lifestyle on her Netflix show, “My Unorthodox Life”, which premiered in 2021.

Julia Haart’s Eating Disorder Allegations

Julia Haart’s weight loss and appearance have sparked many rumors and allegations that she has an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a serious mental illness that is characterized by a distorted body image, a fear of gaining weight, and a restriction of food intake, resulting in a significantly low body weight. Some of the symptoms and signs of anorexia nervosa include:

Many viewers and fans of Julia Haart have expressed their concern and suspicion that she has anorexia nervosa, based on her appearance and behavior. Some of the allegations and comments include:

However, these allegations have not been confirmed or verified by Julia Haart herself, or by any medical professional. In fact, Julia Haart has denied having an eating disorder, and has defended her weight and eating habits, stating that she eats healthily and exercises regularly. She has also attributed her weight loss to stress, aging, and hormonal changes.

Julia Haart’s Response and Statement

Julia Haart has not officially commented on the allegations that she has an eating disorder, but she has addressed the topic of her weight and diet in various interviews and social media posts. She has stated that she eats a balanced and nutritious diet, and that she does not starve herself or restrict her food intake. She has also said that she works out every day, and that she enjoys physical activities, such as hiking, skiing, and dancing. Some of her statements include:

Julia Haart has also revealed that she struggled with bulimia, another eating disorder, when she was a teenager. She said that she developed bulimia as a way of coping with the pressure and expectations of her religious community, and that she overcame it with the help of therapy and medication. She said that she has not relapsed since then, and that she has a healthy relationship with food and her body. She said:

Julia Haart’s representative has also issued a statement regarding the allegations that she has an eating disorder, dismissing them as baseless and harmful. The statement said:

The Conclusion

Julia Haart is a successful and influential woman who has transformed her life and career in a remarkable way. She has also undergone a significant weight loss, which has raised questions and concerns about her health and eating habits. Many people have speculated that Julia Haart is anorexic, or that she suffers from some other eating disorder, based on her appearance and behavior. However, these allegations have not been proven or supported by any evidence or testimony. Julia Haart has denied having an eating disorder, and has stated that she eats healthily and exercises regularly. She has also revealed that she had bulimia when she was a teenager, but that she overcame it with the help of therapy and medication. Julia Haart has not commented on the allegations that she has an eating disorder, but her representative has dismissed them as unfounded and hurtful. Julia Haart is a woman who has a lot to offer to the world, and who deserves respect and admiration for her achievements and choices. Julia Haart is not anorexic, she is amazing.

