How to join the Playstation House Cup for Hogwarts Legacy

May 2024 · 3 minute read
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Hogwarts Legacy content will vary from platform to platform. PlayStation users will get exclusive access to the Haunted Hogsmeade Shop mission. As well as an additional in-game store, a dungeon, and the merchant’s cosmetic set, it’s not just about in-game content. PlayStation is hosting a giveaway event called the Hogwarts Legacy House Cup, where players can enter for absolutely free to unlock avatar rewards and have a chance to win a PS5 Disc Edition and a Collector’s Edition of the game.

Related: Should you get the Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition?

How to participate in the PlayStation Hogwarts Legacy House Cup

To participate in the PlayStation Hogwarts Legacy House Cup, you’ll have to visit the Hogwarts Sweepstakes website, log in with your PlayStation Network account, accept the terms and conditions and answer the 12-question trivia.

The tasks aren’t as challenging as defeating Voldemort or getting a loan from Gringotts. They just request that you watch the trailer, get sorted into a house, and so on. So as you can imagine, you can actually get them done as you play the game. One thing to keep in mind, though: they are time-locked. So keep an eye out for them as they pop up.

Do house points play a role in the PlayStation Hogwarts Legacy House Cup?

In the Harry Potter films, The House Cup was an annual Hogwarts prize that the house with the most points earned. Of course, you’d have to correctly answer questions in class or perform good deeds to earn such points. Points are given by teachers and professors throughout the year for correctly answering questions and for good deeds. So, you can either be a straight-A student or save the school from a Basilisk. Your pick.

However, house points will play an entirely different role in Hogwarts Legacy. And they certainly will not affect your chances of winning or losing the PlayStation Hogwarts Legacy House Cup.

About the author

Cande Maldonado

Though Cande started her journey in the video game industry as a localization specialist six years ago, she soon realized that her true calling was to annoy NPCS, smash virtual pottery, and complete every side quest available in RPGs. Throwing that useless degree out of the window, she has been writing professionally for the past three years ever since. Her passion for games dates to 2006, when she mounted a Chocobo for the first time. Under Nintendo and Square Enix's chokehold, she will willingly pour hours upon hours into reaching 100% completion in the longest roleplaying games ever made. But hey, who needs fresh air and sunlight when you can just live in Ivalice?

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